
Default pagination

An interface for limit/offset pagination can be use for basic pagination needs:
@strawberry_django.type(models.Fruit, pagination=True)
class Fruit:
name: auto
class Query:
fruits: list[Fruit] = strawberry_django.field()

Would produce the following schema:

type Fruit {
name: String!
input OffsetPaginationInput {
offset: Int! = 0
limit: Int = null
type Query {
fruits(pagination: OffsetPaginationInput): [Fruit!]!

And can be queried like:

query {
fruits(pagination: { offset: 0, limit: 2 }) {

The pagination argument can be given to the type, which will enforce the pagination argument every time the field is annotated as a list, but you can also give it directly to the field for more control, like:
class Fruit:
name: auto
class Query:
fruits: list[Fruit] = strawberry_django.field(pagination=True)

Which will produce the exact same schema.

Default limit for pagination

The default limit for pagination is set to 100 . This can be changed in the strawberry django settings to increase or decrease that number, or even set to None to set it to unlimited.

To configure it on a per field basis, you can define your own OffsetPaginationInput subclass and modify its default value, like:

def MyOffsetPaginationInput(OffsetPaginationInput):
limit: int = 250
# Pass it to the pagination argument when defining the type
@strawberry_django.type(models.Fruit, pagination=MyOffsetPaginationInput)
class Fruit:
class Query:
# Or pass it to the pagination argument when defining the field
fruits: list[Fruit] = strawberry_django.field(pagination=MyOffsetPaginationInput)

OffsetPaginated Generic

For more complex pagination needs, you can use the OffsetPaginated generic, which alongside the pagination argument, will wrap the results in an object that contains the results and the pagination information, together with the totalCount of elements excluding pagination.
from strawberry_django.pagination import OffsetPaginated
class Fruit:
name: auto
class Query:
fruits: OffsetPaginated[Fruit] = strawberry_django.offset_paginated()

Would produce the following schema:

type Fruit {
name: String!
type PaginationInfo {
limit: Int = null
offset: Int!
type FruitOffsetPaginated {
pageInfo: PaginationInfo!
totalCount: Int!
results: [Fruit]!
input OffsetPaginationInput {
offset: Int! = 0
limit: Int = null
type Query {
fruits(pagination: OffsetPaginationInput): [FruitOffsetPaginated!]!

Which can be queried like:

query {
fruits(pagination: { offset: 0, limit: 2 }) {
pageInfo {
results {


OffsetPaginated follow the same rules for the default pagination limit, and can be configured in the same way as explained above.

Customizing queryset resolver

It is possible to define a custom resolver for the queryset to either provide a custom queryset for it, or even to receive extra arguments alongside the pagination arguments.

Suppose we want to pre-filter a queryset of fruits for only available ones, while also adding ordering to it. This can be achieved with:
class Fruit:
name: auto
price: auto
class FruitOrder:
name: auto
price: auto
class Query:
@strawberry_django.offset_paginated(OffsetPaginated[Fruit], order=order)
def fruits(self, only_available: bool = True) -> QuerySet[Fruit]:
queryset = models.Fruit.objects.all()
if only_available:
queryset = queryset.filter(available=True)
return queryset

This would produce the following schema:

type Fruit {
name: String!
price: Decimal!
type FruitOrder {
name: Ordering
price: Ordering
type PaginationInfo {
limit: Int!
offset: Int!
type FruitOffsetPaginated {
pageInfo: PaginationInfo!
totalCount: Int!
results: [Fruit]!
input OffsetPaginationInput {
offset: Int! = 0
limit: Int = null
type Query {
onlyAvailable: Boolean! = true
pagination: OffsetPaginationInput
order: FruitOrder
): [FruitOffsetPaginated!]!

Customizing the pagination

Like other generics, OffsetPaginated can be customized to modify its behavior or to add extra functionality in it. For example, suppose we want to add the average price of the fruits in the pagination:
from strawberry_django.pagination import OffsetPaginated
class Fruit:
name: auto
price: auto
class FruitOffsetPaginated(OffsetPaginated[Fruit]):
def average_price(self) -> Decimal:
if self.queryset is None:
return Decimal(0)
return self.queryset.aggregate(Avg("price"))["price__avg"]
def paginated_average_price(self) -> Decimal:
paginated_queryset = self.get_paginated_queryset()
if paginated_queryset is None:
return Decimal(0)
return paginated_queryset.aggregate(Avg("price"))["price__avg"]
class Query:
fruits: FruitOffsetPaginated = strawberry_django.offset_paginated()

Would produce the following schema:

type Fruit {
name: String!
type PaginationInfo {
limit: Int = null
offset: Int!
type FruitOffsetPaginated {
pageInfo: PaginationInfo!
totalCount: Int!
results: [Fruit]!
averagePrice: Decimal!
paginatedAveragePrice: Decimal!
input OffsetPaginationInput {
offset: Int! = 0
limit: Int = null
type Query {
fruits(pagination: OffsetPaginationInput): [FruitOffsetPaginated!]!

The following attributes/methods can be accessed in the OffsetPaginated class:

Cursor pagination (aka Relay style pagination)

Another option for pagination is to use a relay style cursor pagination . For this, you can leverage the relay integration provided by strawberry to create a relay connection.