Relay Support

You can use the official strawberry relay integration directly with django types like this:
import strawberry
import strawberry_django
from strawberry_django.relay import ListConnectionWithTotalCount
class Fruit(models.Model):
class FruitType(relay.Node):
class Query:
# Option 1: Default relay without totalCount
# This is the default strawberry relay behaviour.
# NOTE: you need to use strawberry_django.connection() - not the default strawberry.relay.connection()
fruit: strawberry.relay.ListConnection[FruitType] = strawberry_django.connection()
# Option 2: Strawberry django also comes with ListConnectionWithTotalCount
# this will allow you to get total-count on your query.
fruit_with_total_count: ListConnectionWithTotalCount[
] = strawberry_django.connection()
# Option 3: You can manually create resolver by your method manually.
def fruit_with_custom_resolver(self) -> List[SomeModel]:
return Fruit.objects.all()

Behind the scenes this extension is doing the following for you:

You can also define your own relay.NodeID field and your resolve, in the same way as some_model_conn_with_resolver is doing. In those cases, they will not be overridden.


If you are only working with types inheriting from relay.Node and GlobalID for identifying objects, you might want to set MAP_AUTO_ID_AS_GLOBAL_ID=True in your strawberry django settings to make sure auto fields gets mapped to GlobalID on types and filters.

Also, this lib exposes a strawberry_django.relay.ListConnectionWithTotalCount , which works the same way as strawberry.relay.ListConnection does, but also exposes a totalCount attribute in the connection.

For more customization options, like changing the pagination algorithm, adding extra fields to the Connection /Edge type, take a look at the official strawberry relay integration as those are properly explained there.

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