Serving the API

Strawberry works both with ASGI (async) and WSGI (sync). This integration supports both ways of serving django.

ASGI is the best way to enjoy everything that strawberry has to offer and is highly recommended unless you can’t for some reason. By using WSGI you will be missing support for some interesting features, such as Data Loaders .

Serving as ASGI (async)

Expose the strawberry API when using ASGI by setting your like this:
from django.urls import path
from strawberry.django.views import AsyncGraphQLView
from .schema import schema
urlpatterns = [
path('graphql', AsyncGraphQLView.as_view(schema=schema)),

Serving WSGI (sync)

Expose the strawberry API when using WSGI by setting your like this:
from django.urls import path
from strawberry.django.views import GraphQLView
from .schema import schema
urlpatterns = [
path('graphql', GraphQLView.as_view(schema=schema)),
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