Defining Types

Output types


It is highly recommended to enable the Query Optimizer Extension for improved performance and avoid some common pitfalls (e.g. the n+1 issue)

Output types are generated from models. The auto type is used for field type auto resolution. Relational fields are described by referencing to other types generated from Django models. A many-to-many relation is described with the typing.List type annotation. strawberry_django will automatically generate resolvers for relational fields. More information about that can be read from resolvers page.
import strawberry_django
from strawberry import auto
class Fruit:
id: auto
name: auto
color: "Color"
class Color:
id: auto
name: auto
fruits: list[Fruit]

Input types

Input types can be generated from Django models using the strawberry_django.input decorator. The first parameter is the model which the type is derived from.
class FruitInput:
id: auto
name: auto
color: "ColorInput"

A partial input type, in which all auto -typed fields are optional, is generated by setting the partial keyword argument in input to True . Partial input types can be generated from existing input types through class inheritance.

Non-auto type annotations will be respectedโ€”and therefore requiredโ€”unless explicitly marked Optional[] .
@strawberry_django.input(models.Color, partial=True)
class FruitPartialInput(FruitInput):
color: list["ColorPartialInput"]
# Auto fields are optional
@strawberry_django.input(models.Color, partial=True)
class ColorPartialInput:
id: auto
name: auto
fruits: list[FruitPartialInput]
# Alternate input; "name" field will be required
@strawberry_django.input(models.Color, partial=True)
class ColorNameRequiredPartialInput:
id: auto
name: str
fruits: list[FruitPartialInput]

Types from Django models

Django models can be converted to strawberry Types with the strawberry_django.type decorator. Custom descriptions can be added using the description keyword argument (See: strawberry.type decorator API ).
import strawberry_django
@strawberry_django.type(models.Fruit, description="A tasty snack")
class Fruit:

Adding fields to the type

By default, no fields are implemented on the new type. Check the documentation on How to define Fields for that.

Customizing the returned QuerySet


By doing this you are modifying all automatic QuerySet generation for any field that returns this type. Ideally you will want to define your own resolver instead, which gives you more control over it.

By default, a strawberry_django type will get data from the default manager for its Django Model. You can implement a custom get_queryset classmethod to your type to do some extra processing to the default queryset, like filtering it further.
class Berry:
def get_queryset(cls, queryset, info, **kwargs):
return queryset.filter(name__contains="berry")

The get_queryset classmethod is given a QuerySet to filter and a strawberry Info object containing details about the request.

You can use that info parameter to, for example, limit access to results based on the current user in the request:
from stawberry_django.auth.utils import get_current_user
class Berry:
def get_queryset(cls, queryset, info, **kwargs):
user = get_current_user(info)
if not user.is_staff:
# Restrict access to top secret berries if the user is not a staff member
queryset = queryset.filter(is_top_secret=False)
return queryset.filter(name__contains="berry")


Another way of limiting this is by using the PermissionExtension provided by this lib.

The kwargs dictionary can include other parameters that were added in a @strawberry.django.type definition like filters or pagination .