v0.146.0 Breaking Changes - 5 December 2022

This release introduces a couple of breaking changes to the Sanic integration.

process_result is now async and accepts the request as the first argument

If you customized the process_result function, you will need to update your code to make it async and accept the request as the first argument.

For example:

from strawberry.sanic.views import GraphQLView
from strawberry.http import GraphQLHTTPResponse, process_result
from strawberry.types import ExecutionResult
from sanic.request import Request
from graphql.error.graphql_error import format_error as format_graphql_error
class MyGraphQLView(GraphQLView):
async def process_result(
self, request: Request, result: ExecutionResult
) -> GraphQLHTTPResponse:
if result.errors:
result.errors = [format_graphql_error(err) for err in result.errors]
return process_result(data)

get_context now receives also the response as the second argument

If you customized the get_context function, you will need to update your code to accept the response as the second argument. The response argument allows you to set cookies and other headers.

For example:

from strawberry.sanic.views import GraphQLView
from strawberry.sanic.context import StrawberrySanicContext
from strawberry.http.temporal_response import TemporalResponse
from sanic.request import Request
class MyGraphQLView(GraphQLView):
async def get_context(
self, request: Request, response: TemporalResponse
) -> StrawberrySanicContext:
return {"request": request, "response": response}


Context value is now a dictionary

The context value is now a dictionary instead of a custom class. This means that you should access the context value using the ["key"] syntax instead of the .key syntax.

The .key syntax is still supported but will be removed in future releases.

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