Schema export

Sometimes IDE plugins and code generation tools require you to provide a GraphQL schema definition.

Strawberry provides a command to export your schema definition. The exported schema will be described in the GraphQL schema definition language (SDL).

To use the command line tools, you have to ensure Strawberry was installed with strawberry-graphql[cli] .

You can export your schema using the following command:

Terminal window
strawberry export-schema package.module:schema

where schema is the name of a Strawberry schema symbol or a callable symbol that returns a Strawberry schema and package.module is the qualified name of the module containing the symbol. The symbol name defaults to schema if not specified.

In order to store the exported schema in a file, pipes or redirection can be utilized:

Terminal window
strawberry export-schema package.module:schema > schema.graphql

Alternatively, the --output option can be used:

Terminal window
strawberry export-schema package.module:schema --output schema.graphql