This guide refers to Apollo Federation 1, if you’re looking for the 2.0 guide, please see the federation v2 guide.
You can also see the What’s new in federation 2 for more details.
Apollo Federation V1 Guide
Apollo Federation allows you to combine multiple GraphQL APIs into one. This can be extremely useful when working with a service oriented architecture.
Strawberry supports Apollo Federation out of the box, that means that you can create services using Strawberry and federate them via Apollo Gateway.
We don’t have a gateway server, you’ll still need to use the Apollo Gateway for this.
Federated schema example
Let’s look at an example on how to implement Apollo Federation using Strawberry. Let’s assume we have an application with two services that each expose a GraphQL API:
: a service to manage all the books we have -
: a service to manage book reviews
Books service
Our book
service might look something like this:
@strawberry.federation.type(keys=["id"])class Book: id: strawberry.ID title: str
def get_all_books() -> List[Book]: return [Book(id=1, title="The Dark Tower")]
@strawberry.typeclass Query: all_books: List[Book] = strawberry.field(resolver=get_all_books)
schema = strawberry.federation.Schema(query=Query)
We defined two types: Book
and Query
, where Query
has only one field that
allows us to fetch all the books.
Notice that the Book
type is using the strawberry.federation.type
as opposed to the normal strawberry.type
, this new decorator extends the base
one and allows us to define federation-specific attributes on the type.
Here, we are telling the federation system that the Book
’s id
field is its
uniquely-identifying key.
Federation keys can be thought of as primary keys. They are used by the gateway to query types between multiple services and then join them into the augmented type.
Reviews service
Now, let’s take a look at our review service: we want to define a type for a
review but also extend the Book
type to have a list of reviews.
@strawberry.typeclass Review: id: int body: str
def get_reviews(root: "Book") -> List[Review]: return [ Review(id=id_, body=f"A review for {}") for id_ in range(root.reviews_count) ]
@strawberry.federation.type(extend=True, keys=["id"])class Book: id: strawberry.ID = strawberry.federation.field(external=True) reviews_count: int reviews: List[Review] = strawberry.field(resolver=get_reviews)
@classmethod def resolve_reference(cls, id: strawberry.ID): # here we could fetch the book from the database # or even from an API return Book(id=id, reviews_count=3)
Now things are looking more interesting; the Review
type is a GraphQL type
that holds the contents of the review.
We’ve also been able to extend the Book
type by using again
, this time passing extend=True
as an argument.
This is important because we need to tell federation that we are extending a
type that already exists, not creating a new one.
We have also declared three fields on Book
, one of which is id
which is
marked as external
with strawberry.federation.field(external=True)
. This
tells federation that this field is not available in this service, and that it
comes from another service.
The other fields are reviews
(the list of Reviews
for this book) and
(the number of reviews for this book).
Finally, we also have a class method, resolve_reference
, that allows us to
instantiate types when they are referred to by other services. The
method is called when a GraphQL operation references an
entity across multiple services. For example, when making this query:
{ # query defined in the books service books { title # field defined in the reviews service reviews { body } }}
is called with the id
of the book for each book returned
by the books service. Recall that above we defined the id
field as the key
for the Book
type. In this example we are creating an instance of Book
the requested id
and a fixed number of reviews.
If we were to add more fields to Book
that were stored in a database, this
would be where we could perform queries for these fields’ values.
Now we need to do is to define a Query
type, even if our service only has one
type that is not used directly in any GraphQL query. This is because the GraphQL
spec mandates that a GraphQL server defines a Query type, even if it ends up
being empty/unused. Finally we also need to let Strawberry know about our Book
and Review types. Since they are not reachable from the Query
field itself,
Strawberry won’t be able to find them by default.
@strawberry.typeclass Query: _hi: str = strawberry.field(resolver=lambda: "Hello world!")
schema = strawberry.federation.Schema(query=Query, types=[Book, Review])
The gateway
Now we have our services up and running, we need to configure a gateway to consume our services. Apollo Gateway is the official gateway server for Apollo Federation. Here’s an example on how to configure the gateway:
const { ApolloServer } = require("apollo-server");const { ApolloGateway } = require("@apollo/gateway");
const gateway = new ApolloGateway({ serviceList: [ { name: "books", url: "http://localhost:8000" }, { name: "reviews", url: "http://localhost:8080" }, ],});
const server = new ApolloServer({ gateway });
server.listen().then(({ url }) => { console.log(`🚀 Server ready at ${url}`);});
When running this example you’ll be able to run query like the following:
{ allBooks { id reviewsCount reviews { body } }}
We have provided a full example that you can run and tweak to play with Strawberry and Federation. The repo is available here: