Node ID annotation errors


This error is thrown when a relay.Node implemented type can’t resolve its id field, due to it being missing or multiple annotated fields being found.

The following code will throw this error:

import strawberry
from strawberry import relay
class Fruit(relay.Node):
code: str
name: str

This happens because relay.Node don’t know which field should be used to resolve to generate its GlobalID field.

The following would also throw this errors because multiple candidates were found:

import strawberry
from strawberry import relay
class Fruit(relay.Node):
code: relay.NodeID[str]
name: relay.NodeID[str]

How to fix this error

When inheriting from relay.Node , you should annotate exactly one NodeID field in the type, like:

import strawberry
from strawberry import relay
class Fruit(relay.Node):
code: relay.NodeID[str]
name: str
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