Private Strawberry Field Error


This error is thrown when using both strawberry.Private[Type] and strawberry.field on the same field, for example the following code will throw this error:

import strawberry
class Query:
name: str
age: strawberry.Private[int] = strawberry.field(name="ageInYears")
schema = strawberry.Schema(query=Query)

This happens because a strawberry.Private field is not going to be exposed in the GraphQL schema, so using strawberry.field on that field won’t be useful, since it is meant to be used to change information about a field that is exposed in the GraphQL schema.


This makes sense, but now we don’t have a way to do something like: strawberry.Private[list[str]] = strawberry.field(default_factory=list) (workaround is to use dataclasses.field, explained below)

How to fix this error

You can fix this error by either removing the strawberry.Private annotation or by removing the strawberry.field usage. If you need to specify a default value using default_factory you can use dataclasses.field instead of strawberry.field . For example:

import strawberry
import dataclasses
class Query:
name: str
tags: strawberry.Private[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)
schema = strawberry.Schema(query=Query)


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