Relay wrong annotation error


This error is thrown when a field on a relay connection has a wrong type annotation. For example, the following code will throw this error:

from typing import List
import strawberry
from strawberry import relay
class MyType(relay.Node): ...
class Query:
# The annotation is not a subclass of relay.Connection
my_type_conn: List[MyType] = relay.connection()
# Missing the Connection class annotation
def my_type_conn_with_resolver(self) -> List[MyType]: ...
# The connection class is not a subclass of relay.Connection
def my_type_conn_with_resolver2(self) -> List[MyType]: ...

How to fix this error

You can fix this error by properly annotating your attribute or resolver with relay.Connection type subclass.

For example:

from typing import List
import strawberry
from strawberry import relay
class MyType(relay.Node): ...
def get_my_type_list() -> List[MyType]: ...
class Query:
my_type_conn: relay.Connection[MyType] = relay.connection(
# Missing the Connection class annotation
def my_type_conn_with_resolver(self) -> List[MyType]: ...
# The connection class is not a subclass of relay.Connection
def my_type_conn_with_resolver2(self) -> List[MyType]: ...