Relay wrong resolver annotation error


This error is thrown when a field on a relay connection was defined with a resolver that returns something that is not compatible with pagination.

For example, the following code would throw this error:

from typing import Any
import strawberry
from strawberry import relay
class MyType(relay.Node): ...
class Query:
def some_connection_returning_mytype(self) -> MyType: ...
def some_connection_returning_any(self) -> Any: ...

This happens because the connection resolver needs to return something that can be paginated, usually an iterable/generator of the connection type itself.

How to fix this error

You can fix this error by annotating the resolver with one of the following supported types:

For example:

from typing import Any
import strawberry
from strawberry import relay
class MyType(relay.Node): ...
class Query:
def some_connection(self) -> Iterable[MyType]: ...

Note that if you are returning a type different than the connection type, you will need to subclass the connection type and override its resolve_node method to convert it to the correct type, as explained in the relay guide .