Unresolved Field Type Error


This error is thrown when Strawberry is unable to resolve a field type. This happens when the type of a field is not accessible in the current scope. For example the following code will throw this error:

import strawberry
class Query:
user: "User"
schema = strawberry.Schema(query=Query)

Note that we are using the forward reference syntax to define the type of the field. This is because the User type is not yet defined when the Query type is defined.

This would also happen when using from __future__ import annotations .

To fix this error you need to import the type that you are using in the field, for example:

import strawberry
from .user import User
class Query:
user: "User"
schema = strawberry.Schema(query=Query)

Unfortunately, this won’t work in cases where there’s a circular dependency between types. In this case, you can use strawberry.LazyType .

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